A Unique Opportunity - to destroy your body, your life and your self esteem!
At the Australian Cosmetic Aesthetic Surgery Centre we are committed to a holistic approach to cosmetic surgery - this means if you come to us with one ugly feature, we will disfigure it so that all your features will look ugly. Here, a client's decision to undergo surgery is considered in the context of their lifestyle (ie. how much money we can extract from them, the means they have to seek justice through litigation after we have destroyed their life), medical history, needs, what they hope to achieve through cosmetic surgery (an attractive unnatural look), and their expectation of the outcome. Not only is it necessary for them to be in appropriate physical condition, it is also important that they have a realistic expectation of the outcomes of surgery - ie. not expect their surgically modified feature to look better, but rather, worse - and how it will benefit them if they want to join a circus freakshow.
Come and see us at 666 The Alleyway, Windsor.
-Barrell Dam's staff
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